Tuesday 23 June 2009


Labatines (small fires)

Tonight Corfiots can attend the custom of Labatines (small fires) in two areas of the town: Benitses and Mandouki.

This custom takes place on the eve of Saint John Labataris. At Benitses village, the women’s association Athena organizes an event at 9:00, during which two fires will get lit in the square of the village. There is also going to be live music, dancing and treats!

At Mandouki area the cultural association of Mandouki people organizes a music event at the bus terminal to celebrate Saint John. In this event will take part the kids of the handicraft workshop of the association.

According to the women’s association Athena, this special custom calls all the residents of the island to gather at a cross road during sunset to light labatines. In old days they used to make three stacks of hay and each household brought along their May flower ring to burn. The fires had to be three and always located on a three-way crossroad. When the fires burnt, the young people used to jump over the fire one by one, and they had to jump three times each over the fire. It is a great fun to watch and participate in this event!

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